Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Just One Sim - A Sims 4 Challenge

"Just One Sim" challenge

Are you looking for an interesting challenge? Try this out!

This challenge has been play tested by me, I did find it difficult at times, but I managed to do it without cheating! I was amazed and delighted. This particular sim of mine hasn't died yet, but she has sure enjoyed a full life and is now retired.

I don't know if you're like me, and have to be in control of every one and every thing in the world... oh wait, you're a Sims player. You do, don't you? Well, how about this instead... Lets try a family that you have no control over. None but one. How do you think this will turn out? I'll say, when I did it, it was as close to real life as I've ever played sims! Things turned out crazy at times, and frustrating but always fun and challenging. Let's get you started...

Set up:

Create your household!
  • You can have as many sims of any age as you want, but at least one has to be a toddler. This sim will be you.
Move in your household!
  • NO cheating for money
  • Move into a house that suits your family, and budget. You don't want to rack those bills up and be unsure if your family can pay them.
Set yourself up!
  • Set your life span to normal (or whatever you want actually, doesn't matter! The shorter it is, the harder it is)
  • At this time, you may have each adult in the household get a job. You may have any job you choose, but there is no cheating to give your family higher paying jobs. They start at the bottom. If you have the 'Get to Work' expansion, you may use those jobs but you MUST choose to 'Send Alone' when it's time to go in. You cannot select that sim and join them at work.
  • You may hire a maid if you wish. You cannot use a phone when in toddler stages, or child stages, so if you want a maid do it now! It is acceptable to hire a made after your selected sim has aged to a teen. (Might want to make sure you save on money and not hire anyone at this time)
  • You may enter buy mode only after aging to a teen, so make sure to set yourself up for a baby/toddler/child before starting your play! You may not spend money on the household until you are able to contribute some cash to the house finances.
Play the game!

  1. You may not, at any time, select another family member. If you do - you technically lose the challenge! Keep away! Not even to 'check up on their needs'.
  2.  When it's time for a birthday you may not select an adult sim to bake a cake! Suffer through the sadness of a forgotten birthday - or find another way to get a cake without switching control or using a phone in toddler/child stages.(I don't even know if that's possible)
  3. Autonomy must be on full so the other sims may do as they need to.
  4. You can enable, or disable autonomy on the selected sim (you) if you wish. It's up to you.
  5. If all the adults in your household have a job, and are all gone, you must select to HIRE A BABYSITTER when they all leave.
  6. No phone usage of any kind for toddler life. You may use the phone when you enter child years and any time after.
  7. No ordering pizza until you have a job. Part time as a teenager is acceptable.
  8. There are no restrictions on leaving the home lot. (Depending on the age you are currently at) As a toddler and child, you may not drive, so can't go anywhere that you cannot walk to. Any place that you can get to via walking is acceptable.
  9. No one in your house may run a restaurant or retail business. When your sim becomes of age, you may do so, but not anyone else. Remember, never select another sim.
***** TWO exceptions for selecting another sim:
  • If there is a house fire, you may select someone to put it out, and replace burnt objects.(Until you are of age to do so yourself)
  • When bills are due, you may select another sim to pay them via mailbox, phone, or PC.(Until you are of age to do so yourself)    

Those are the base rules of the challenge. You are all set up. Keep reading for rules on the separate life stage requirements.

  1. You may NOT select another sim to have them take care of you.
  2. Earn level 3 in each toddler skill.
  3. Max two toddler skills
  1. Get an A in school
  2. Build all child skills to at least 3
  3. Max one child skill
  4. Complete one child aspiration
  1. Get an A in school
  2. Get 4 skills to level 4
  3. Max 2 selected skills
  4. You may get a part time job if you wish - to pay for that pizza you might get, or maid that needs paid.
  5. You can enter Buy mode at any time now, to obtain what you require for life. You may also expand or change the house if you need to.
  6. Feel free to bake a cake for that birthday of yours that's coming up.
  1. Get a full time job. If you have "Get to Work" you can definitely get an interactive job!
  2. You can choose to move out of your family home now.
  3. If you have "Dogs and Cats", feel free to get a pet.
  4. Go through two romantic relationships. Not two at once (unless you're into that kind of thing ;)), but you don't want to settle down with the first person you meet!
  5. You may invite anyone you want to live with you. You may NOT control them in any way. Not even selecting them to 'check up on their needs'.
  6. Build 5 skills to level 6
  7. Max 3 selected skills
  8. Complete one Aspiration
  9. Get married (or wait until adulthood)
  10. Have a child (or wait until adulthood)
  1. Get married    
  2. Have children! Must have at least one, more if you choose. You may NOT select your children for any reason. Not to control, nor to 'check up on needs'.
  3. Reach the top of your current career.
  4. IF you have "Parenthood", influencing your child makes life easier! Tell them to bathe when they stink or go to bed at a decent hour. Do not select your child to see what else they need.
  5. Make sure there are always leftovers in the fridge for your family.
  6. Complete another Aspiration!
  7. Max 2 additional skills
  8. Don't let anyone in your household die.
  9. You may quit your job if there is another adult in the household that is still has one.
  10. Don't be like your parents, bake a cake for your kids on their birthdays!
  1. Retire if you haven't quit already.    
  2. You've earned some relaxation time! Do what you want. Though, do NOT select any other sims yet... you're still kickin.
  3. You should have (at least) 7 skills maxed by now... Max out another one!

If' you've managed to make it to Death without selecting, or controlling any sim but the one you chose to be YOU, congratulations! You've won the challenge!

There is no point system on this challenge just yet. Feel free to make suggestions for anything. Was it too easy? Too hard? I'm always open to new ideas. Or you can just tell me this was no fun, that's okay too. ;)

Happy Simming!

This challenge is very similar to another challenge I've run across. Check out the 'Single Sim Challenge' ! Enjoy challenging yourself in a variety of ways. Try and create your own unique challenge! Everybody loves new and interesting things to try in their games.