Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Moved to Murkland

So, I've started a challenge! I'm also going to write about it a little bit, story type fun. Maybe more like diary type. I haven't actually decided yet.

The challenge I'm doing is called the Murkland Challenge. It's a post apocalyptic one. I know right? Sounds so fun! Well I've played one sim week, and I'm having a blast. More info on the challenge can be found here. If you happen to want to see live picture feed, you can join my discord channel! This is the address for that: https://discord.gg/vGgscFF
I often spam the place with tons of pictures at any time. I love sharing them, even if no one sees!

Anyway, my simself Atom has survived the apocalypse and had wandered around for weeks before finding some strange sims that said they were from Murkland. She's followed them home, and set up camp. Currently she belongs to the Burner Faction which are people that "are a colorful group who love to dance, have desert parties and who want to be friends with the world even though times are tough." Sounds like a blast!

My sims current traits are:
  • Glutton
  • Gloomy
  • Geek
The Geek thing is really getting to her so far, since she can't use her phone for gaming, and has no access to a PC just yet. Gloomy just well, gets her even more down sometimes. Being a glutton though, is a big help in this world. She often scrounges for food in the trash - and finds it often. She'll not starve!

Now, for gameplay, I've downloaded every lot required and fully remade Oasis Springs into Murkland - Post Apocalypse style. It looks amazing! Tons of Kudos to Brennachan for their fantastic work creating this place. Unfortunately for me, a lot of the lots had things from game packs that I do not own, if I find anything like that I will replace it with what I can, or make due without.

One of these major things is apparently a 'potty bush'. I don't have Get Together, so don't have a potty bush or bonfire. One of the rules is having to pee in the potty bush. Well since Atom's world has none, she just wanders off into the brush to relieve herself. She gets extra murky when this happens.

Enough babble! Lets get on with the story :) IF you have questions, feel free to comment! You can also just pop in to say hi. Thanks for joining me on this adventure.

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