Saturday, July 24, 2010

Visit to China

Now that I am old enough to be on a plane, mother is going to take me traveling. She said she had always wanted to visit China so that is where we would go. I am excited to see a new place. We just arrived and another tourist snapped a picture of us. I actually got a little 'airsick' on the plane, and was still slightly uncomfortable when we got there, Mother was a little worried. That feeling is going away quickly as I see how beautiful this place is!
Mother bought me a really nice camera before we left home so I could take lots of pictures. I got a good snapshot of the whole city from the window of the plane as we were coming in to land. Look at the rolling hills, and the beautiful colors of the trees! Right away I can say I am impressed, I never want to leave..
* I have permission to go off and explore a little, as long as I do not go into any tombs or anything like that. So I'll leave Mother here to practice her Martial Arts while I take a look around. Someday I might learn the arts as well, but for now.... I am to excited to learn anything, I just want to go on an adventure. *
I rented a bike so I would not have to walk everywhere. That was a good investment. I think I'll just ride around, and see where I end up.
Look at this place, it is so nice. I think I'll chill here for a few minutes, relax a little before heading off again. My legs do hurt a little, I am not used to riding yet.There is a bench up there... that looks like a nice place to sit.
Okay enough relaxing, time to see what else I can find. Before I go though, I would like to take a picture or two of the market in the Lost City! I met a little boy there just my age and we hit it off pretty well. I ended up playing tag and catch with him for a few hours! We will only be here a couple days though, so I better get back to exploring.
Riding my bike again I ran straight into some cute little butterflies, and decided to stop and check them out. I had never seen butterflies like these before. As soon as I got off the bike, two came right up to me, one landing on my hand! It was so neat. They seem to be pretty friendly. *
By the time I had played in the Lost City with that little boy, and danced with the butterflies, it was getting pretty dark. As mother suggested I do, I met her back at 'home base' before night fell. She said to think of it as home because we would be sleeping, and doing our morning things there. So, we had some ice cream, played chess for about an hour and went to bed. I was so filled with new experiences and happy about being in a different place though, and I did not sleep very soundly. Still, I woke up just as excited as ever, and ready to set off again. This was our last day here, so I had to see what was left to see.
This is the Temple of Heaven. It's a really big place, compared to my little self! I can't forget to take a lot of pictures. Some of them do not turn out right (hey I am new at this photography stuff), but some are just perfect. I will probably hang a few on my wall at home.
Going in one of the little buildings, I got really excited when there was a long hallway... and a door at the end. That door was just beckoning for me to enter it! Mother said though, that I could not go in any places like this yet. Not until I was a little older. She is not the adventuring type, so she probably will not want to take me down there. Mother comes to other places to mingle and learn things.
Back on the bike, and taking half a day (so it seemed) to get to the top of this hill and path, I see the Terracotta Army! What a sight to see, it's pretty cool. I have to take a few good pictures of this too!
The rest of the afternoon and some of the evening I just went around taking pictures of things. Every once in a while I would run into some more butterflies, and I would play with them for a while. I did go back to the market to see if that boy was there again, but could never find him. I told mother of all my adventures, and she listened. I asked her why she did not want to explore very much, she told me she had always been afraid of getting lost, so she never strays far from other people. She new I would enjoy going around though because of how adventurous I am.
While I was talking to her about it, I decided then and there that this is what I wanted to do my whole life. I want to visit all the places possible, France, Egypt, and China... and see everything I can! That will be my lifetime wish. I also thought that being in the photography career might go pretty well with the traveling. So that is what I will do.
Mother says we are leaving in the morning. I had such a good time! I can not wait to come back. While she was talking to me about going home, I asked her for a big favor. I have never met my father, and I know he is in Egypt... maybe we can stop there on the way home? We will consider it a 3 day layover in our flight plan.
Please mother???