Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Legacy Renovation Challenge!

Welcome to the Legacy Renovation Challenge! This is a super fun and difficult game you're about to play. I hope you enjoy it! Also, I'm not really good at 'filler' conversation, so let's get down to business.

Your objective:

A Sims 4 Challenge.

Your sim inherits a farm from their recently dead parents. Move onto this lot and renovate the farm to new! It has been abandoned for over 30 years, and you have your work cut out for you. Your children will be carrying out this job, and maybe even your grand children.

I'm going to be referring to your sim as 'You' since this is a first person challenge.

This challenge would probably be supremely difficult to do if you don't have MC Command Center. Using this mod gives you the ability to own this lot and not pay §14,500 in bills every week. You can manage how much your bills are in MCCC under Money Settings. I set my bills to -98 to make it workable. I would recommend this to you, but it can be played without the mod all together.
To get there: Click a computer in game (if you're on the lot already there is one in the basement), go to MCCC settings, Money settings, Bills - then you can set it from -100 to 100, the choice is up to you.

If you choose not to go with MCCC, and those settings, you will definitely be setting yourself up for a challenge but it is doable!

Gameplay Rules:

Since it was made for this challenge, this is the recommended farm for your sim family to renovate - Atom Bomb Acres From my dear friend FaithOfKaela!
Feel free to use another 64x64 overrun farm if you have one available!

The life span of this sims game is totally up to you! How long do you choose your sims to live?

Start your life as a teen on your new farm. To do this, you can give your sim enough money to afford the lot, when you're on it we will change your funds to what you start with. You may need to place your sim on a small empty lot to get things in order.
Do this in order to give your sim the funds they need to move to the farm:
     •Open your game prompt and enter the cheat 'testingcheats on' and set your bank balance to §300,000. Do this by typing 'money 300000' in the command prompt. Move onto the new farm lot. After you have moved your teen onto the lot, open the command prompt again and type 'money 3000'. This is what you start your life with. Keep testingcheats on when finished.

You could also use the 'freerealestate on' cheat in your command prompt to move into the lot - making it so that you don't need to change your money until after you move onto the lot.

You must still attend school, and do your homework.

You must also have a form of income;
•Part time job
•Any income is acceptable!

You have a choice to pay your bills or not, but you will suffer the game consequences of not paying. There are ways to accomplish this, it just makes your life a little tougher.

Your teen sim is the only one you're allowed to control. This means no other sim shall be selected at any time, for the rest of your sims life.
When this sim dies, you default to your first born as the controlled sim.

When your sims ages to young adult, you are free from school, but must have a full time job. Any job is fine and all Get to Work careers are allowed (for controlled sim only).

As a young adult, part of the challenge is to find a mate, marry, and procreate with them. After all, you can't have a legacy without children! You are allowed to adopt as well, if that's what you'd like to do. You *are* also allowed to go through life unmarried. You can have a live in, or no one. The only set rule is that you *must* have offspring, whether adopted or born from you.
•Once you have another sim on the lot - you are not able to control them. Make sure your free will is enabled to full. You can choose whether to allow the autonomy for your selected sim or not.
•Once you have or adopt children - you are not able to control them! Having Parenthood helps with this, as you can influence your children to do what they need to - when you want them to.
The only time you're going to switch control, is when your sim passes away.

**Play note:  Might I suggest using parties to try and get sims together to get to know each other?

You are free to use any income from any other sims that join your lot.

As an Elder;
Oh, you've done so much already! Please retire from your job... or don't! It's up to you. Will you still renovate the home or will you relax until you pass away and leave the rest to your children? I'm sure you've done a great job so far! Maybe live the rest of your days earning some money from all your hard work.

If you managed to finish renovating the home and yard - rebuilt and relandscaped the entire farm - before you die, wow congratulations, I'm impressed! (are you sure you did everything right?? lol)

**Play note: If you so choose, whenever a child of yours ages to young adult you may select them and apply for a job. This is one of the only times you'll be selecting another sim on your lot.

If your sim happens to die under these circumstances:

••before your first born (adopted) is a teenager, you must still only control the first born. Live your life as a toddler, then child without selecting another sim.
••before your first born (adopted) is a toddler - feel free to select your spouse to age up the baby, and then select your first born to continue your line.
••before your first born (adopted) is a toddler, and you have no spouse or other sim on lot - sorry, but you fail the challenge. Try again!
••before you procreate - but you've been married, you may then select your spouse to carry on your renovations.
••before you've been married - you may select any other sim that lives on lot with you to carry on
••before you've gotten anyone else living with you - you've lost the challenge and it's game over. Try again!

Side notes on living as a certain age group:

Toddler: You're a toddler. You can't do much! I hope your parents bought you toys. You may not spend any money, nor use a phone. You cannot use the action "replace object" if something becomes broken. (That's spending money.) Max as many skills as you can, and build your family relationships! I could suggest changing one of your lot traits to Gnomes to help you repair objects, is that cheating? Nah, not really ;).

Child: You're still so young, still not able to do everything! You may not spend any money, but you may have a phone now. Chat with your friends, play games, or take pictures. You may ask your parents to take you places and travel, but can't spend money to do so. (Vacations wouldn't be allowed, nor going out to eat) At least one adult that you live with must accompany you wherever you do go. Stay in school, do your homework.

Teen: Well, you've been this route once, anything is open to you right now. You can drive, so you can travel without your parents. You may spend money on whatever you wish, but don't forget to save for your home renovations! Stay in school, do your homework, maybe get a part time job.

Renovation rules:

You might want to have a notepad or calculator, or both, to keep track of this while you play.
In game, press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the command prompt. When you've got your total of how much was given to you(how much you earned) by selling things on the lot - subtract that much plus half from your balance. Do this by typing 'money §§§§' to fix your balance. (Use your calculator or notepad to figure out your difference)
So, if you were to sell items that earned you §700, the total subtraction from your balance would be §1,050. (700+350=1,050)
If you started with §3,000, subtracting §1,050 would make your balance §1,950 (1,950 would be what you'd type in the prompt (money 1950))
Personally I also like to charge my sim §3 for every stain or hole removed from the wall. So I add that tally in there as well. (I mean, nothing is free in real life, so I apply it here too)
Basically, you're charging yourself to get this mess off your lot. This rule applies for anything you wish to remove, All of it.

You cannot spend more money than what you have - so be careful!

If you are not able to remove anything from your lot, you are still free to move it out of your way. Though you're not allowed to just stuff it in your family inventory. That would be too easy! You must find a place on your lot to put down whatever you're moving. Maybe you even want to keep some things that you find on lot! I mean.. there's some really nifty stuff here.

Recoloring has no charge, unless you'd like to add that detail yourself. (Paint's not really free is it??)

You may do any renovations to the house or yard that you wish, after all - it is your house now! Perhaps you want to continue the work left behind in that basement? Maybe you want to rid all traces of it? The choice is up to you!

***As a note, you may put anything that your own sim has purchased since moving on to the lot in family storage. Such as holiday decor, you might need to get that out of the way until next year. Nothing that was in the home prior to moving in can be stored there however.

Have fun with this challenge! I know I do... and I just ADORE the farm that the lovely Faith has built. I'm so very grateful to her for putting in so much effort! Did you find all 15 Llamas?? Be sure to tag @FaithOfKaela and myself @FidgetyAtom on any twitter posts!

Share a link in the comments if you write a story to go along with it! Or maybe just share some before and after pictures via a link. That would be awesome!